Ready to license a show?
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Type of licence required
Amateur Licence    Professional Licence

If your performers are not to receive payment then you should select 'Amateur Licence'. A Professional Licence should be selected if you plan to pay your performers.

At the conclusion of this application for a Performance Agreement, a refundable deposit payment of £500 must be made by credit/debit card in order to successfully complete the application procedure. No other methods of payment can be accepted.
Application Process
You need to log in to your Web Account in order to apply for a Performance Agreement. If you do not already have a Web Account then you'll need to register before you can proceed with your application.

To register for a Web Account, or to sign in, please click here
Contact Details
Title *

First Name *
Last Name *
Organisation *
Address *
Address 2
Town/City *
Country *
State *
Post / Zip code *
Telephone Number *
Mobile Number
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
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